Friday, July 01, 2005


As the 8th anniversay reunion party (1980) wound down old friends who had worked at the Biograph, or still did, and who were still awake, shared a light moment behind the candy counter in the lobby. From left-to-right they are Cassandra Cossitt, Trent Nicholas, Bernie Hall and Tom Campagnoli.

In the background is the door to the popcorn storage and lost-and-found departments. The ladder that we used to change the letters on the marquee was kept in there, too. It was customary at that time to post any articles we could find that put disco music in a bad light on the door. We called it the Anti-Disco Door and movie patrons enjoyed bringing us stuff for it.
Photo Credit: F. T. Rea

Update: A second photo of Cassandra from the same era, which was sent in by former Biograph usher/projectionist David Giles, is below.

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